The Philosophy of Stoics

Sohail Virani2023-09-24

Lessons from a hellenistic ideology to achieve a fulfilling and flourishing life

Hello readers, welcome back to Vitality Digest. This week marks the launch of our 10th edition and is a special one. But before we start diving into the collection today, we want to announce a significant update.

Starting this week, we will continue to offer our signature five-section posts every alternate week. These issues will be your go-to source for quick, insightful tips and information, all neatly packaged for a 5-minute read.

To ensure we can dig deeper into important topics, we're introducing Deep Dive Issues for the alternate weeks. These editions will focus exclusively on a single, impactful subject, allowing us to explore it comprehensively and provide you with in-depth information and ideas.

Our goal is to strike the perfect balance between concise, actionable content and in-depth exploration, making sure you get the most out of each issue while respecting your valuable time.

Let us know your thoughts on this change in the comments below.

Alright, let’s get started.

Stoicism - The wisdom of Greeks

At its core, Stoicism is a philosophy that teaches us to focus on what we can control and accept what we cannot. The stoics (believers of stoicism) maintain that to achieve eudaimonia (a flourished fulfilling life), virtues are all that is required.

Stoicism was founded in Athens around 300 BC by Zeno of Citium. Stoicism gained prominence in Rome, where it was championed by notable figures such as Seneca, Epictetus, and the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. These Stoic thinkers contributed to a rich tradition of writings and teachings that continue to influence philosophy, psychology, and self-improvement to this day.

Stoicism encourages individuals to cultivate 4 main virtues:

  1. Wisdom (Sophia): The ability to make sound judgments and choices based on logic and knowledge.
  2. Courage (Andreia): The capacity to face challenges, adversity, and fears with bravery and resilience.
  3. Justice (Dikaiosyne): Treating others fairly, with equity and respect, and acting in accordance with moral principles.
  4. Temperance (Sophrosyne): Exercising self-control and moderation in desires and actions, avoiding excess and indulgence.

These virtues are universal in nature and their timelessness transcends cultural and temporal boundaries.

Stoicism has experienced a resurgence in popularity in recent years for several compelling reasons.

In an increasingly turbulent and uncertain world, people are drawn to Stoic teachings as a means to cope with life's challenges, stressors, and setbacks. It also encourages individuals to concentrate their efforts on what they can control and accept what they cannot. This philosophy aligns with the desire for a sense of agency and empowerment in one's life.

Stoicism offers a range of practical exercises to develop resilience and mental fortitude. Practices like journaling, negative visualization, and mindfulness can help individuals build emotional strength and adaptability.

American author Ryan Holiday is an advocate and an ambassador of Stoicism and has published several best-selling books including The Obstacle is the Way and the Daily Stoic. We also highly recommend reading Meditations that delve into the personal thoughts of Marcus Aurelius. Here’s one below.

If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.



Gamification is the practice of applying game design principles and elements to non-gaming contexts, such as work, education, and personal development. By incorporating elements like competition, rewards, and challenges, gamification can turn routine tasks into engaging activities.

One of the key benefits of gamification is its ability to make tasks more enjoyable. Think of it like playing a video game. Just as Super Mario collects coins, defeats enemies, and completes levels, you can add a similar sense of achievement to your daily responsibilities.

You’ve probably never procrastinated or felt the need for motivation to play video games. This is because gamification taps into our intrinsic motivation and activates our natural desire for mastery, achievement and autonomy. Also In a gamified system, feedback is often quick and clear, which can help individuals like you understand the impact of your decisions and adjust your behaviour accordingly.

Many gamification techniques introduce elements of competition, whether it's competing against oneself or others. Competition can be a powerful motivator, driving individuals to improve and achieve more. Finally, games often require the development of specific skills and strategies to succeed. When tasks are gamified, individuals have the opportunity to hone and apply new skills, fostering personal growth and a sense of competence.

To get started with gamification, consider using apps and tools that are designed to make the process easier. These tools often borrow elements from video games to help you stay motivated and productive. One app we strongly recommend checking out is Habitica, which is specifically designed to gamify your tasks and life with habit tracking and productivity features. (#notsponsored)

Regular Medical Check-ups

Regular medical check-ups are like preventive maintenance for your body. They serve as a proactive approach to health, helping you detect and address potential issues before they become serious. Here's why they matter:

  1. Early Detection: Many health conditions, including chronic diseases, are more manageable when detected early. Regular check-ups can identify problems in their infancy, increasing the chances of successful treatment.
  2. Risk Assessment: Your healthcare provider can assess your risk factors for various diseases and offer guidance on lifestyle changes to reduce those risks.
  3. Preventive Measures: Medical professionals can administer vaccinations, screenings, and tests to prevent illnesses or catch them at a stage when they are easier to treat.
  4. Peace of Mind: Knowing that you are in good health or receiving treatment if needed can provide peace of mind and reduce anxiety about your overall well-being.
  5. Managing Chronic Conditions: If you have a chronic illness, regular check-ups are essential for monitoring your condition and adjusting your treatment plan as necessary.

Medical check-ups are an essential tool in your wellness toolbox, helping you stay proactive and informed about your health. Remember, your health is your most valuable asset, and investing in preventive care can lead to a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Leeewwwisssss Hamilton - G.O.A.T.

Image Source: CNN/ Getty Images

Lewis Hamilton is much more than a 7 time Formula 1 world champion; he's a trailblazer and a symbol of relentless pursuit. His journey from a young karting enthusiast to one of the greatest racing drivers in history is a testament to his talent, dedication, and creativity.

Many including me have been personally inspired by Lewis Hamilton's journey, not just in racing but in the broader pursuit of personal excellence.

Here are just a few valuable lessons we can learn from his life.

  1. Innovation and Adaptability: In Formula 1, racing conditions, strategies, and technology evolve rapidly. Hamilton's ability to adapt to changing circumstances and stay at the forefront of the sport is a testament to his creative problem-solving.
  2. Resilience in the Face of Controversy: Hamilton's remarkable resilience was on full display after the controversial 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, a race that resulted in him being seemingly robbed of his 8th championship. Despite the intense disappointment and frustration, Hamilton demonstrated grace under pressure.
  3. Passion-Driven Work: Hamilton's passion for racing is evident in his unwavering commitment and dedication to the sport. His enthusiasm for what he does drives his creativity and fuels his pursuit of excellence.
  4. Diversity and Inclusion: Lewis is a vocal advocate for diversity and inclusion in motorsport. He has used his platform to push for more representation and opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds in the sport and reminds us that embracing diverse perspectives and backgrounds enriches our creative endeavours.
  5. Purpose-Driven Creativity: Beyond racing, Hamilton uses his platform to advocate for social and environmental causes. This shows that creativity can be a force for positive change in the world when aligned with a purpose.

    Find what you love and say I’m going to do it & I’m not going to let anything get in my way.

    Lewis Hamilton

Automation payments and transfers

In our increasingly digital world, managing finances can be a complex task. Automated payments and transfers, however, have emerged as a game-changing tool for simplifying the process and achieving financial goals more efficiently.

Benefits of Automated Payments and Transfers

  1. Efficiency and convenience: Automation eliminates the need for manual bill payments, saving you time and reducing the risk of missed deadlines. Most if not all services provide an option for auto-payments.

    Scheduled transfers ensure that funds are moved where they need to be, precisely when they should be, without your constant intervention.

  2. Reducing Impulse purchases: Setting up automated payments for bills, loans, and savings enforces financial discipline. Funds are allocated as planned, reducing the temptation to spend impulsively.
  3. Reduced Late Fees and Penalties: Automated payments help avoid late fees and penalties by ensuring bills are paid on time. This is vital as it protects your credit score and financial reputation.
  4. Peace of Mind: With automated transfers in place, you can enjoy peace of mind, knowing that your financial responsibilities are being handled efficiently and reliably.

Getting Started with Automation To harness the benefits of automated payments and transfers:

  • Identify recurring bills and expenses that can be automated, such as utilities, rent or mortgage payments, insurance premiums, and loan repayments.
  • Set up automated transfers to savings or investment accounts to ensure consistent contributions toward your financial goals.
  • Regularly review and adjust automated payments to align with changes in your financial situation or goals.

That's it for issue #10. If you liked what you read, it would mean the world to me if you shared it with your friends and family. Sharing is the most powerful and important way for others to discover Vitality Digest and join our vibrant community.

Stay vital and have a great week.

Yours truly,


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